Upgraded WiFi future-proofs several schools within the Chorus Education Trust

The Chorus Education Trust has future-proofed the networks at two of its largest secondary schools with upgraded WiFi6  and next-generation switching from Redway Networks.  

Over 2,000 students and staff are now benefitting from a robust, secure Meraki wireless network that's delivering high-speed connectivity to online resources. 

With Meraki's scalable networks in place the schools are equipped to support digital transformation and the trust can centralise service delivery.

WiFi Support for Growing Tech Needs

With Chorus Education Trust expanding its technology needs to support digital transformation, the outdated, legacy  WiFi at two of its schools  needed replacing with superior campus-wide networks.  

Both schools were eligible for a Department of Education Connect the Classroom grant to update the networks with high-density WiFi6 and next-generation switching.

Following recommendation, Chorus Trust chose Redway Networks to design and install robust wireless LANs using Meraki's portfolio of enterprise products.

Student girl at laptop

High-Performance WLANS for two schools

Redway Networks conducted a detailed appraisal of both Eckington and Hope Valley schools' IT infrastructure through professional onsite Ekahau WiFi surveys.

Two separate wireless LANs were then designed and configured with high-performing Meraki WiFi6 access points and Meraki next-generation switches.

With the new Meraki networks in place, both schools are now benefitting from reliable, secure WiFi with vastly improved coverage for supporting digital teaching and learning.


The Trust now has a centralised, cloud-managed network for managing and monitoring school network devices and apps.


Both schools now have secure access to a high-speed, robust Meraki wireless infrastructure with reliable connectivity to online resources.


Network management has been improved and configs are seamless as all the switches are now managed through the Meraki dashboard.


Collaboration has been improved as both schools have a single Chorus Education Trust SSID which enables staff to teach at both schools with automatic network connection. 


Redway Networks' designed Meraki solution has future proofed the network and enabled both schools to support digital transformation. 


The Chorus Education Trust is now well-positioned to achieve its mission of providing the best educational experiences for its students.

What Chorus Trust says about working with Redway Networks

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"We were recommended to Redway Networks to design and deliver our upgraded networks through the Connect the Classroom project and they delivered a great service from start to finish.  Meraki is providing the very best educational experiences to our students."

Richard Clough, Group IT Director, Chorus Education Trust


chorus education trust logo

"Our Meraki networks are providing the very best educational experiences for our students and staff." 

Richard Clough, Group IT Director, Chorus Education Trust

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