Chaucer School Eradicates Vaping on School Premises with Vape Sensors

Like many secondary schools in the UK, Chaucer School was experiencing students vaping on school site which was reducing air quality and causing problems with anti-social behaviour around the toilet blocks which was becoming difficult for staff to manage. 

The school wanted to install cutting-edge technology that could detect vape smoke with real-time monitoring and alerts sent to the school's on-call staffing team.  By implementing the right IoT technology, the school could take proactive measures to ensure a healthier and safer environment for students and staff.  When choosing its vape solution, the school considered factors such as  ease of installation and compatibility with its existing cloud-network. 

Chaucer School turned to Redway Networks to connect advanced vape sensors to its wireless network to detect and reduce vape incidents and monitor its IT infrastructure.  

High-Performance Sensors highlight huge undetected Vaping problem

The vaping epidemic has become a significant concern in UK educational institutions.  This alarming trend has led to a surge in demand for effective vape detection solutions that can help prevent vaping in schools. 

Redway Networks had designed and installed the school's cloud-managed Meraki wireless network during the summer holidays and recommended automatic connectivity to Meraki's cutting-edge air quality sensors using the MR wireless access point gateway.

Redway's engineer set up vape sensor  parameters within the Meraki dashboard to deliver complete network visibility across the school from network devices to the environment. 

With the Sensors up and running staff were alerted to over 700 vaping incidents on the first day back from term with alerts going constantly.  This highlighted a huge undetected vape problem at the school.


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Vape Sensors Eradicate Vaping within 5 days of install

Installing the Meraki vape sensors around the school's high-risk areas, such as toilet blocks, was simple with no disruption to daily activities. 

The school used its CCTV system to record footage of the areas where the Sensors had detected vape gas and an immediate alert was sent to the school's mobile staffing team in real-time via SMS  The data was easy to collect and once the vaping culprits were identified, staff took corrective action. 

Within three days of the sensor install, the school's daily vaping incidents had reduced from 700 to five.  Incidents continued to reduce and by the end of the first week, vaping alters were down to zero, which was a huge accomplishment for the school in achieving its healthy school environment goal. 


Meraki's MT15 Air Quality Vape Sensors, connected to the WiFi by Redway Networks, have eradicated vaping incidents at the school. 


With Meraki's real-time alerts in the cloud-managed dashboard working in conjunction with the CCTV,  school staff were able to identify vaping culprits and take corrective action. 


Daily vaping incidents went from 700 a day to zero within a week.  Antisocial behaviour around the school toilet blocks and classroom toilet breaks were reduced. 


Redway Networks delivered a great service and the Meraki IoT Vape Sensors are now invaluable to the school in creating a healthy environment for students and staff.. 


The school can now use environmental monitoring data to proactively address issues before they begin and maximise resources to increase efficiency


Chaucer School can rest easy knowing its pupils are protected on school site by the careful eye of Meraki's highest-performing MT Sensors.

What Chaucer School says about working with Redway Networks

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“In addition to vaping and the high-levels of vape particles in the air, we were seeing an increase in antisocial behaviour around school toilet blocks.  It was a challenge for staff to track down the students causing the most problems, so deploying IoT sensor technology was vital."

Alex Treadwell, Network Manager, Chaucer School 


"The Meraki IoT Sensors are invaluable to our school in eradicating vaping.  Profiling is easy to set up in the dashboard and the data enables us to be proactive in monitoring our IT infrastructure in the cloud. Our vape sensors are the perfect solution for maintaining a health-conscious environment.”

Alex Treadwell, Network Manager, Chaucer School 


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