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Warehouse WiFi Challenges in Today’s Logistics

WiFI challenges in the modern warehouse can sometimes be as large as the warehouse itself. Whether its high ceilings, obstructions, changing environments, extreme temperatures or dusty environments – delivering a seamless WiFi experience to small devices within the warehouse is a challenge.

At Redway Networks, our experience in warehouse WiFi has helped us understand some of the root problems surrounding under-performing and unreliable warehouse networks. We’ve come across many small to medium sized businesses that are experiencing issues with their wireless network and are not sure where to start.

A reliable wireless infrastructure streamlines operations within the warehouse by reducing those inefficiencies and errors associated with constant disconnections of handhelds, mobile computers, printers and tablets. The benefits of good warehouse WiFi are endless and include: improved staff efficiency, less manufacturing delays, more orders picked and fulfilled and the ability to implement new technologies – which in turn meets today’s on-demand supply chain and improves customer service. Businesses who have implemented an enterprise grade wireless infrastructure have positioned themselves with a competitive advantage over those who have not.

Some of the most common mistakes we’ve seen in WiFi for warehousese are the overuse of omni-directional access points, incorrect access point placements (such as mounting APs on high ceilings or mounting ceiling APs vertically) and the use of ‘indoor’ APs that are not IP rated. This means the coverage changes when you walk around the warehouse and you experience drop offs for the end user, which in turns slows down the handover. For a seamless experience, there are so many elements to take into consideration when choosing the right warehouse WiFi solution and its vital to get the foundations right from the start to avoid any pitfalls.

Often, the main cause of poorly implemented warehouse WiFi is related to a lack of knowledge and planning. Using the right wireless technology is a critical component if you expect a successful implementation but implementing best design practices such as using directional antennas, reducing CCi with careful channel planning and ruggedised access points are sometimes overlooked.

The warehouse wireless network is far more complex than the one in your office, which is why it requires an enterprise grade AP that offers interference mitigation and a stronger signal. A properly designed wireless infrastructure will not only improve efficiency but future proof your business and prepare it for supporting more mobility such as the internet of things (IoT).

We are here to help businesses of any size improve warehouse efficiency through high-performance cloud-networking. So if you’d like any help or advice, contact us today.