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Webinar: The Top 5 WiFi Security Mistakes


Join our WiFi security roundup and see how to avoid the top 5 deployment mistakes that leave managers and their networks open to compromise.

Qualified attendees will also receive a free .11ac Access Point and switch, to see a different solution for themselves.

As employees at all levels default to WiFi to access the corporate network, controlling who can join – and what they can do – has become business critical. The rise of low sophistication ‘things’ also rapidly increases the attack surface – with rising popularity of IoT hacks.

So how do different security models stand up to this new reality, and how secure is your connection? Bring your questions and join our Systems Engineers to cover:

  • The top 5 WiFi security mistakes
  • Viewing exactly what’s happening on your network
  • Building an authentication and encryption model that doesn’t force user workarounds
  • Using identity and context to tighten up gaps around ‘things’, BYOD and user groups


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