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Meet us at MATPN Midlands in October 2022

Come and see us at the MAT Midlands event where we will be showcasing how our end-to-end cloud networking solutions help Multi-Academy Trusts manage their schools’ ICT effectively and build the digital infrastructure for the future.

Education is changing at an increasing speed alongside technology, best practice, and the needs of tomorrow’s workforce – all at a time of unprecedented change when it comes to government policies, where and how students learn, and the mediums for delivering and assessing curriculums.

The layout of education is also changing; the majority of UK schools are now part of an MAT, with the remaining percentage set to merge or join in the coming years. Whilst this represents an opportunity for a collegiate of schools to pool resources, insights and budgets, it also brings its challenges.

The challenges that stand in the way of Trust-wide opportunities

Uniting schools – especially during times of rapid change – is complex, but must be achieved without disruption to learning outcomes, and without hindering transformation. Once united, these schools can also be harder to manage, simply from a multi-site organisation point of view. In short, MATs face growing challenges, and often shrinking budgets. One of the principle ways to handle these challenges – and therefore a crucial area for investment – is connected, digital technology both in and outside classrooms.

One significant benefit for MATs is the pooling of resources and budgets, meaning they can often invest in solutions that standalone schools might not be able to afford. These investments do, however, impact the whole collegiate of schools and therefore MAT leaders need to feel confident in choices made to push the trust forward. An excellent way of gaining this insight is through events where key players in the sector can share experience and insights in a constructive environment.

Connecting, sharing and gaining actionable insight at MATPN events, designed for Trusts

The MAT Partnership Network hosts events for leaders in MATs, giving them the opportunity to connect, share and learn in a space designed with their needs in mind. Delegates, LEA officials and sector suppliers can discuss issues common to many MATs, finding trust-wide solutions through peer speakers, spotlight supplier presentations and targeted focus groups. The 2 day event will see MATs depart better equipped to navigate the changing learning landscape.

As expert suppliers to the education sector, we work with many of these MATs to provide networking solutions that facilitate joined-up ways of working, teaching and learning, and simplify managing a complex network of needs, from security and 1:1 devices, to learning resources and SIMS. We specifically design networks with MATs in mind, offering huge scalability for expanding trusts, capacity for 10 years of EdTech, and trust-wide cyber-security capable of facing today’s significant threats.

One-to-one, personalised, proactive conversations with trusted suppliers of MATs

We will be attending the MATPN Midlands event at The Orchard Hotel, Nottingham, on the 11th and 12th of October 2022, presenting as a spotlight ‘Dragons’ Den’ supplier, hosting 1-2-1 meetings, and taking part in networking dinners and breakout areas.

If you are attending MAT Midlands and would like to organise a meeting with our educational networking experts, please email MAT Partnership Network at hello@pne-uk.com or call them on +44(0) 1293 661 044 and request a one-to-one session.