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Giving School Students Access To WiFi Is A Must For The Future

The UK education system is ever growing. From a very young age, British children are subject to spending a great proportion of their time in a structured institution that aims to equip them with the skills and knowledge to enter the world as an adult. A key player in this education is increasingly the use of Internet-based learning.

The role of the Internet in education

In contemporary society, children have access to WiFi all over the place, from shops and playgrounds to bus stations and their own bedrooms, which makes having access to education WiFi and a wireless Internet connection more important than ever. If we really want to make sure our children have the skills to prepare them for the future, then they need to be encouraged to tap into their innate curiosity and conduct independent research on their own initiative. This isn’t just important for school work but to ensure they stay informed about current affairs. A moderated and safe education WiFi network is the key to this.

Growing use of smartphones among children

According to research highlighted by The Independent earlier this year, a survey found that up to 25% of UK school children under six years old own and use a smartphone. This is an important statistic because it means each of these children can utilise the benefits of an education WiFi network in lessons and during their breaks. Most importantly they also can share this experience with their friends and peers. The Internet fosters a nature of sharing and collaboration, so by allowing children access to the Internet, they too are encouraged to share, in order to boost their learning, social and communication skills, and enrich the lives of everyone around them in the process.

What does the future hold?

The world is only becoming more connected, so as children get older, we can only assume they will have greater access to smart technology. Smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and other wearable devices are increasingly the norm. Schools need to prepare for this revolution in order to allow for their children to be able to utilise and learn from these technologies. Student WiFi isn’t simply a luxury for today, it’s an embedded part of everyone’s future. When a child reaches university and then enters the workplace, they will have access to enterprise WiFi networks which will require proficiency in cloud-based and remote working, encryption, safe online working, and document sharing. The experience they receive at school level by using a safe and secure education WiFi network will ensure that, by the time they mature, they are aware of both the risks of advantages of the Internet and that they can use these networks in the safest way possible. Not only does this prepare them for the future, it makes the Internet a safer place for everyone.

To find out more about how we can help establish a great connection in your education institution, get in touch with us at Redway Networks today.

Find out more about Education WiFi